Friday, October 23, 2015

With Some Extra Fitness Sprinkled on Top

Coach Melissa at CrossFit Invictus in San Diego

With Some Extra Fitness Sprinkled on Top
Written by Hunter Britt

Fitness doesn’t just happen inside the gym. The hour you spend inside the gym each day is fantastic and people get great results that allow them to progress their lives in a healthy direction. The conclusion of a class, however, does not mean that your fitness training or application of your fitness is over. Most of us spend one hour a day inside of the gym and that leaves us with 23 hours outside of the gym. In that time we can either choose to team up with the hour we spent at the gym, working to improve our quality of life, or we can go the opposite direction and contradict the positive choice we made of working out by sitting around until class next day.

We all talk about playing new sports and using your fitness outside of the gym. I want to encourage everyone to throw in some extra workouts into your day. Even if it is only a 30 second commitment at the time, at least get up and move a bit. For some people this can even leave you feeling more awake, lower your stress level and/or result in less anger at the end of a short workout session when the exertion is intense and short.

If you finish group class and you do not have to change back into work clothes yet, try jogging home (if you live close enough to do so). Or, when you move your couch back to vacuum the carpet, check to see if you now have a wide open space in your living room to attempt a handstand before you move it back; if so, go for it! Your kids have an abnormal amount of energy, so challenge them to a burpee contest. However, if you feel extra burpees will put a negative spin on life for the day, you can replace them with any form of exercise you deem appropriate. It can be push-ups, air squats, lunges, or a sprint around the house.

Anything will work and there are countless opportunities to apply, test, and improve our physical quality of life. Activities can be planned (like running home after class) or they can be decisions on the fly (like seeing how many times you can clean and jerk your child’s backpack in one minute) as they eat their after school snack. Hopefully this post gives you ideas for some fun activities you can sprinkle into your everyday life.



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